September 1, 2009

Raw Snickerdoodles

Snickerdoodles are one of my favorite cookies and I have yet to find a recipe so I came up with this one. Snick-raw-doodles if you will...

  • 1 cup Quinoa
  • 1 cup Groats
  • 1 cup Cashews
  • 1/4 cup Dates
  • 1/4 cup Water
  • 1 Vanilla bean
  • 4 packets of Stevia
  • Drizzle of Agave
  • 1/4 tsp. Sea Salt
  • Dash of Cinnamon(Optional)

  1. Grind the Quinoa and Groats into a flour and then add the Cashews and grind them too.

  2. Process the flour mixture with the rest of the ingredients.

  3. Use an ice cream scoop or spoon to put small scoops on dehydrator texflex sheets.

  4. Dehydrate at 135 degrees for 1 hour and then flatten the scoops with a spatula or spoon.

  5. Dehydrate at 110 degrees for 4 hours or until dry and crumbly.

Makes 10 Servings.


  1. I have a question about your cheezy flax crackers on goneraw as I am new to raw food. How do you spread the crackers/batter. Mine was really thick, so I had to add some water to make it more spreadable. Also my crackers are brown not golden like yours, why? Maybe add more cashews? I don't know.

    1. To spread the flax batter I usually use a spatula with some water on it. This helps to smooth it out better and if it just seems to be way too thick then you're likely needs more water. I am not sure why your flax crackers are coming out brown. Usually the red of the red pepper is what makes the crackers come out orange. I wish you well in your raw journey!
